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The Police Academy trains full-time officers employed by more than 30 law enforcement agencies in northeastern Kansas and offers in-service training for law enforcement personnel in a four-state region. The building also houses the College's Criminal Justice program.

Floor Plan

(gray shading indicates storm security areas)
(red arrows indicate exits)

Room locations for PA

PA Emergency Response Plan (PDF) detailed emergency instructions with storm security locations.

During a weather emergency individuals should seek shelter in the interior most portion of the building away from exterior windows and doors.

PA Storm Security Areas

  • PA 106, 107
  • PA 119 hallway, 121, 122 
  • PA 133, 134, 142
  • Men's and women's locker rooms (114 and 116)
  • Men's and women's restrooms
Emergency Response Plan
Look for the red and white stripe for emergency information.
Report all campus emergencies to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police Department.
  • Dial 913-469-2500.
  • 913-339-6699 TDD/TTY
See the Emergency Response Plan for instructions.
  • Evacuation
  • Fire-Smoke-Explosion
  • Campus Violence
  • Illness-Injury-Accident
  • Weather Warnings